
A Chinese Version LaTeX —— CTEX

At first I don't like LaTeX at all. It's kind of "coding" to add mathematical and logical symbols which is not very direct to users. So that for a very long time, I edited all those formulas in Word 2010 which gave me a GUI interface.

However, one of my friend showed me the process of working with LaTeX and I found that it's actually pretty convenient if you are familiar enough and the output from LateX is pretty beautiful. Then I searched on the Internet and found this software, CTEX.

CTEX is basically a Chinese version LaTeX, with some improvements. Since there are some Chinese students in this class and it's totally free, I'll post the link below and hope it's useful:



A Little Thought About Proof Clarity

Hey, the weather is really bad these days.. I hate raining :(

I just got some little thoughts about the proving clarity when I reviewed q4 in A1. We were supposed to prove that "Q has an even number of occurrences of substrings from {10, 01}". To do this question, we can declare another claim which is "P has an odd number of occurrences of substrings from {10, 01}". After I solved the problem, the fact that proving two claims together was actually easier than proving only one of them really shocked me. How could the proof be easier by combining two claims together?

Then I realize that proving is not "OH I understand it!" in your mind. People have to use logical inference and standard format to let others understand your thoughts as well. So that proving is not a pure mathematical calculation, but also a "transportation". Proving two comparable claims might (theoretically must) add the workload for the writer, but it helps readers understand the idea better.

As my understanding goes deeper,I found that the proving structure is vital for a clear frame which enables readers to immediately accept your ideas. Therefore, I'll focus on the proving structure more in my following "proving life" :)


oh no midterm >.<

You know what...it's so sad that you finished all three questions and left early but you found that your mark was just something around 9 or 10.

Since I didn't pay too much attention on the structure, I lost a lot of marks for having something like "P(n): for all n ....."

Personally, I admit that the structure of a proof is vital. But I do believe that at least we should earn some marks on successfully solving the problem, which prevents students who solved the question just getting 1 or 2 marks more than those who simply write "I don't know how to solve it."

On the other hand, the midterm result is unchangeable now. What we can do is focusing on learning and understanding the material better. No doubt that I will perform a much much more formal proof and try my best to get my grade back to 85+.

And good luck to all of you! :)


Here we go

Hey, here we go.

Recently, SINA blog is very popular in China. Lots of people keep sharing and posting the most interesting pictures or news on it. Every time you refresh the page, you'll find something new -- which is pretty cool.

Honestly, this is the first time I try to use an Academic Blog. As a non-native English speaker, sometimes I do have trouble describing my idea. Hope that you won’t get confused to read my words My other Chinese friends and I, however, will try our best to update our slogs and share the most interesting parts of our experience.

We've actually finished our first month of studying, even you may not notice that. Till now, I can still handle most part of the course. What about you guys?  We have a quiz for csc207 tomorrow, good luck to all of you ^_^ !